Poema del 2024

Me propuse escribir tres poemas en el 2024. Solo escribí uno.
Screenshot of Sentry's Cron monitors page.

Using Sentry Cron Monitors in Ruby on Rails

At work we have a Sentry subscription which we use primarily for issue tracking but recently I noticed the “Crons” entry in the sidebar and decided to give it a try as we have a bunch of Nomad periodic jobs that aren’t exactly easy to monitor with the Nomad WUI.

Ironic image of file sharing killing music.

Transmission BitTorrent Daemon on a Raspberry Pi

These days streaming services are so well established that one rarely needs to fallback to file sharing. But Big Content usually decides which content is good on a whim. And if you want to watch an old movie or a special edition recording not available for streaming, well, tough luck.

Slackware (and Pi-Hole!) on a Raspberry Pi

An appliance (read: homepod, alexa, etc.) is not a stripped down computer. It’s a fully functional computer with spyware on it out-of-the-box.

Cory Doctorow, The coming war on general computation.

PS Vita with pirate flag splash screen.

PS Vita Hack

This is meant to keep a record of my PS Vita config, as the process is rather nuanced and I tend to forget after not using it for a while.

My First Roadtrip

It is usual that the first roadtrip is full of accidents, shortcomings, misunderstandings and alike. Mine was no different.

Write Your Own CI/CD pipeline

I was bored and wanted to get some kicks so I decided to automate the deployment of a cron(8) job I have running on a server, so in this post we see how to setup a CI/CD pipeline relying on GitLab Webhooks and custom deployment scripts.