Poema del 2024
Me propuse escribir tres poemas en el 2024. Solo escribí uno.
Using Sentry Cron Monitors in Ruby on Rails
At work we have a Sentry subscription which we use primarily for issue tracking but recently I noticed the “Crons” entry in the sidebar and decided to give it a try as we have a bunch of Nomad periodic jobs that aren’t exactly easy to monitor with the Nomad WUI.

Getting up to date: Upgrading webpacker
TL;DR: node 10 => node 18, webpacker 3.5 => shakapacker 7.1, webpack 3 => webpack 5.

Optimize Docker build image in GitHub Actions
Building docker images on every deployment can be time consuming but there are several ways to speed up the process.

Running Slackware on a Thinkpad A485
My (rough & rowdy) experience using Slackware on a Thinkpad A485.

RSpec request spec fails when running in group/file/suite
But the request spec does NOT fail when an individual test is run.

TIL: Attach binary file to Active Storage record
The #attach method can be tricky to work with when the file doesn’t come from a browser, so after struggling a bit with it, I’m writing this down!

How To: Rails + Apache (httpd) + ActionCable WebSockets
TL;DR: add a reverse proxy specifically for the connection upgrade URL.
Grow ext2/ext3/ext4 Partition Size
After a couple of months of using a raspberry as a home server with MiniDLNA as a media server and a headless Transmission daemon as bittorrent client that works 24/7 downloading any kind of media I want, it surprises me that I managed to not fill the storage as quick as I could have.

Transmission BitTorrent Daemon on a Raspberry Pi
These days streaming services are so well established that one rarely needs to fallback to file sharing. But Big Content usually decides which content is good on a whim. And if you want to watch an old movie or a special edition recording not available for streaming, well, tough luck.
Slackware (and Pi-Hole!) on a Raspberry Pi
An appliance (read: homepod, alexa, etc.) is not a stripped down computer. It’s a fully functional computer with spyware on it out-of-the-box.
Cory Doctorow, The
comingwar on general computation.

PS Vita Hack
This is meant to keep a record of my PS Vita config, as the process is rather nuanced and I tend to forget after not using it for a while.

How to use a select tag with multiple attribute for an has many association in Ruby on Rails
Last week a HasManyThrough
association gave me a headache so I’ve decided to write
down the solution so I can come back to it, but also share it so other people like me
find an answer faster, since it took me like an hour to duck it.
My First Roadtrip
It is usual that the first roadtrip is full of accidents, shortcomings, misunderstandings and alike. Mine was no different.
Write Your Own CI/CD pipeline, Part II
In the first part of this post we setup a basic git webhooks receiver but there are some rough edges and shortcomings, which we’ll try to address here.
Write Your Own CI/CD pipeline
I was bored and wanted to get some kicks so I decided to automate the deployment of a cron(8) job I have running on a server, so in this post we see how to setup a CI/CD pipeline relying on GitLab Webhooks and custom deployment scripts.
Productos y Empresas Mexicanas
Algunos de los productos mexicanos que consumimos y nos parecen buenos.